Aug 12, 2009

Bee's Game

Last night Bronson and me went to the Bee's game with his work, and had a lot of fun! we ended up having really great seats right behind home plate. There was this little boy that was so dang cute behind us. He kept yelling at the ump everything everyone else was saying in the crowd it was so funny. Then when the Bee mascot got up and danced he got up and danced in the isle, it was hilarious, he was for sure the entertainment for the night!

Thanks Bron's for taking me to the game last night! I had a blast with you!


  1. So I love men in baseball uniforms!! :) I mean I love baseball games! I think we should do a girls night and go to a game! YA YA!!!!!

  2. I don't know I will check RIGHT NOW!! :)
