Jul 14, 2009

Where's The Mute Button????

Question?? Do you talk during a movie in the theater?? No!!! It's rude and disrespectful right?? So why do people at the gym think it's okay to talk during the movie in the Cinema room?? I would think they have the same standards as a regular movie theater right?? Well last night when Bronson and me were at the gym I went in the Cinema to watch "He's just not that into you." This lady cleaned and left her machine, so I got on it. Well little did I know that her son and husband were on each side of me, so she walked back and forth talking to both of them, and it was not in a whisper, she was talking over the movie.. How annoying is that? I kept looking at her like shut up lady, and so was everyone else in the cinema, but she didn't even care. I wanted so bad to ask her if she knew where the remote was so I could mute her.. Ahhhah.. Some people bug!!!


  1. O My GoSh!! That is so funny... I hate when people do that at the theater! If I went to the gym EVER it would probably bug me there too!!! I hope you had fun this weekend! I miss you and love you girly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. AHH!! I hate when people do that! Not just at the movies but especially at the gym! Thats the last thing I wanna listen to while working out.. sooo annoying!

  3. Ha Ha Wrendy you are so so funny!!! :) I love it!! But if I were you I really would have asked her that!!!! HOW RUDE!!!
