The first game they played against all of Bronson's friends. It was so much fun watching Bron's play against all his friends. Bronson used to play on there team, but switched teams this season cus he was tired of loosing! Ouch.. They give him a ton of crap for it, but they are still supportive and cheer for him when they are not playing against him. In Wednesday's game Bron's Got so mad he hit Matt in the face, Just playin.. it was just an accident, but it was funny!
I just want to tell Bronson how proud I am of him. He has been playing on a hurt ankle for the last couple weeks, but that doesn't stop him from playing AMAZING!! (nothing can stop the Krow, right babe?) We are not sure what is wrong with it yet, but it is twice the size as normal. kinda gross but he'll live!
Bron's, I have enjoyed watching you so much hun! Even thought you get a little crazy sometimes and give me anxiety.. haha!! You are amazing and have some pretty sweet interceptions, touch Downs, block's Or tackles.. depends on the team your playing ;) Thanks for letting me come cheer for you, I can't wait till next season.
Love your #1 Fan!!!
That sounds so fun, Clint plays on a rec basketball team. Good for him playing with a hurt ankle! I bet Shayla's bachelorette party was a blast! So much fun when all the girls get together.