Feb 10, 2009

Happy Birthday B!!

So I gave in.. I said I was not going to get Bronson clothes or shoes for his Birthday.. And I didn't, in a way, I got him a certificate to Footlocker so he could get himself some new shoes and shirts. Oh, and.. Bronson has never had anyone decorate his room for his birthday and that is a NOT okay in our family.. Ever since I can remember my family has always decorated my room for my birthday and put a huge banner outside.. kinda embarrassing, but I wouldn't have it any other way. So when he got home from visiting his sister he had a little surprise waiting for him. Later that night we went to PF Chang's with his brother Brock and his girlfriend Jenna. Oh my goodness we love that place, sooo good! Sunday we went to his grandma's house for dinner and she made the best food ever. i have to say that she is one of the best cooks ever. She is Italian so enough said!


  1. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH I love all your new pictures! Kyree is so cute in all of the pictures! I love you so much girl! I am so glad you are my best friend! Thank you for being so good to me and Kyree! I am so glad you are happy with Bronson he's such a sweetie!

  2. Hey I finally got on, and I love your blog! And I loved that we saw each other at the movies, loved the show! I think it's great that you decorated for his birthday!
